Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Wastong Nutrisyon Kailangan,Lifestyle Diseases Iwasan"

Why do we need to have a right nutrition? What are the things or ways that are we going to do to have this right nutrition? Is it important to us? And why do we need to avoid lifestyle disease?
We need to have a right nutrition so we can have a healthy body in our everyday life. Right nutrition is what we need because it helps our body to become healthy and to avoid diseases. So, we can achieve a good and right nutrition, we should do things that makes our body more nutritious, like having daily exercise, eating nutritious foods and have a check-up from you're doctor. It is important to us so we can enjoy life. Avoid lifestyle diseases to maintain our body strong and healthy.
Let us protect and take care ourself. Let us do good things to avoid diseases.


  1. what i've read to your essay about good nutrition is that how can we have that proper nutrition right and etc.
    so kindly expand you thoughts about the topic and improve it.
    that's all i wanna say. thank you. bye----------------------......lfgrfiogfrjafhewi.......

  2. ()()


    nice blog!!!!

    keep up mare!!!!

  3. :O
    :). NiCE bLog aNd NicE coMpositIon, bUt MAkE it a Little bit longer fren....., anD also maKe your Font sizE bigger..
